Closing gifts from loan officers are a great way to take the customer experience from average to memorable. After months of hard work, the time has finally arrived. You personalized your client’s experience. Then, you found the best loan for their specific situation. Also, you plowed through piles of paperwork and got your borrower into their dream home. Closing day has come and gone, so now what?
Now, it is time to express your appreciation to your client! This is done with a closing gift or card. Clients love closing gifts from loan officers. So, take advantage of this powerful marketing tool today to gain more referrals and repeat business in the future!
Why Give Closing Gifts From Loan Officers?
A closing gift is a fitting next step to the journey you and your client shared. After all, giving gifts and cards helps you to maintain a relationship with your borrower post-closing and beyond. Most people buy or sell several homes in their lifetimes, so it is necessary to maintain your borrower relationships.
A small gesture of thanks can go a long way! Gifts have the power to create feelings of goodwill. That is true in personal relationships, and it holds true in the business world as well.
What Does a Closing Gift Communicate to Your Client?
The 2019-2020 “Business Gift Satisfaction Survey” found that 57% of respondents think that “gifts can impact their opinion of a business partner both positively and negatively.” So, in effect, closing gifts from loan officers tell clients that they truly appreciate them as a person.
Also, closing gifts can serve multiple practical purposes for your business. They may eventually generate referrals from former clients that notice your personal interest. After all, according to Realtor Magazine, nearly 77% of readers have given closing gifts to their clients.
Benefits of Physical Printed Materials and Gifts
It’s easier to comprehend information when it’s delivered through printed material. Not because the information on a digital screen is more difficult to read, but because your mind is less likely to wander when focused on a physical object. So, make the most of print materials and show your clients appreciation. After all, the mortgage industry (still!) needs printed materials, post closing gifts from loan officers, and human connection, even in the digital age.
Post-Closing Mortgage Marketing Strategies
Once the initial excitement of closing fades, you naturally begin to lose touch with your clients. This may result in less check-in calls and emails. Don’t let it! Post-closing marketing and other mortgage marketing strategies can help strengthen the loan officer and client relationship over time.
A post-closing marketing strategy allows loan officers to continue to connect with closed clients. With your name staying top of mind, they are much more likely to come to you when they need to refinance or get another mortgage. Or, they could even refer other clients to you! Keep putting your name out there and stay in touch with one of your most valuable resources: your past customers.
Send a Gift or Card
After you close a borrower’s loan, you want to thank them for their business in a meaningful way. One of the ways that you can continue to delight customers, even after they have their new home, is through additional gifts and cards. There are many ways that you could approach this. Consider sending holiday, loan anniversary, and birthday cards to your past borrowers.
But, if you are closing many loans a month, thoughtful gifts and cards can sometimes slip through the cracks. Take these tasks off your to-do list, and let a third party manage your post-closing gifts and cards.
Jungo’s Concierge Program
Making a gift basket, writing a card, and going to the post office takes time out of your day. Time that could otherwise be spent nurturing leads, communicating with in-process clients, and connecting with partners. You probably do not have time to handle this all on your own.
Luckily, Jungo’s Concierge Program can take care of it for you! With one click of a button in your Jungo account, you can send up to three years worth of branded cards and gifts straight to your customer’s door. Then, you’ll earn mortgage referrals and repeat business from the impact these thoughtful and personalized packages have.
All Concierge closing gifts and cards are branded just for you. This includes your personal logo, headshot, and contact information, and even includes personal greetings for your clients.
Send Thank You Gifts to Referral Partners
If you work closely with real estate agents or other referral partners, than you know that sending gifts and cards after closing is not just for your borrowers. With Concierge, you can also thank the person who made the deal possible: your referral partner. By showing them that you value their trust in you, you’ll earn their loyalty and future referrals.
Co-Brand with Realtor Partners
If you want to make your closing strategy a team effort, why not co-brand your closing gifts and cards with your realtor partner? They will appreciate you taking a task off their to-do list. And, you can both reap the benefits from the shared expense.
Just remember to properly track your co-marketing expenses to ensure that you remain compliant.
So, your mutual customers will be delighted by these thoughtful and personalized packages. Also, best of all, you won’t have to make a single trip to the post office! Gaining mortgage referrals and repeat business from your client database has never been easier.
Bottom Line
After successfully closing loans, gifts from loan officers leave a lasting impression. So, thank you customers for their business in a meaningful way. Earn mortgage referrals and repeat business from your client database with these thoughtful and personalized packages available to you.
If you don’t have the time or resources to provide this service yourself, use a program like Jungo’s.