Product & Pricing Engine Integration
Get instant, accurate rates directly from your mortgage CRM.
Jungo’s Mortgage CRM has a direct integration with Optimal Blue and Mortech, making it easier than ever to run mortgage quotes for your borrowers.
Initiate follow-up marketing with a simple click, using Jungo’s built-in email campaigns.
Run Product & Pricing Engine quotes directly from Jungo to eliminate repetitive tasks and multiple application logins.
Keep all Product & Pricing Engine reports and communication details attached to the Contact Record in Jungo for proper tracking.

Increase Loan Volume in Less Time

Customizable Margins
Easily customize margins and adjustments in every loan scenario.
Customizable Margins
Automatically generate emails to contacts with customized quotes.
Increased Speed of Service
Provide instant and accurate pricing options.
Easy Automations
Initiate automated workflows and appointment scheduling directly from Jungo.