Want to gain more referrals, close more leads, and grow your business with mortgage automations? Use them in your daily routine.

What are automations?
Mortgage automations are the systems that control processes behind-the-scenes. These function automatically once set-up.
There are different types of automations:
Action Automations
Action mortgage automations are any workflow that results in an action item for the user. For example, when a new lead comes in and a task is set to call them right away, the action is to call someone.
Action items organize your day. They prioritize what is important to make sure you are reaching the right people quickly. Your task list and calendar should fill with these high priority items.
How could you use action automations in Jungo?
1. When a new lead enters your system: a workflow triggers, creating a follow-up task to call this new lead once they enter into Jungo.
2. During the loan process: tasks are made that remind you to follow up with the borrower and your partners.
3. If a lead needs to improve their credit: the “Credit Impaired” workflow creates a task for the loan officer to follow-up with the client 60 days later
4. When a loan closes: a task is made to remind you to order a closing gift for your client.
Action workflows are important for setting up each day to be the most productive it can be! Plus, action mortgage automations help you remember to complete all the little tasks that come up throughout the day.
Marketing Automations
Marketing mortgage automations are workflows that result in marketing being sent out. For example, when a new lead comes in, they are put on a “Prospective Home Buyer” email campaign.
Without marketing mortgage automations, you will spend your whole day just sending out marketing materials. Automating your marketing saves you time for more important tasks.
How could you use marketing automations in Jungo?
Loan Milestone Updates
These are useful for updating all interested parties on the status of their loan. They can customize to send to both the borrower, co-borrowers, and transaction partners on the loan. Options for delivery include emails, text messages, or both.
Drip Marketing Campaigns
These are time-dependent marketing mortgage automations that slowly drip marketing to your leads or clients on a regular basis. They are perfect for keeping your clients focused on the goal of closing their loan or refinancing with you. They also change automatically based on your client’s stage with you: lead, in process, or closed.
Drip marketing is not exclusive to clients! There are also campaigns for realtors and CPAs to promote client referrals and good partnerships. It is important to have constant marketing going so that you are keeping your business in the forefront of your clients and partners minds.
Holiday Mass Emails
Stay in touch with your database on the most important days of the year with automated Holiday Mass Emails. Simply schedule the email to send, and then move on to other tasks. On the day of the holiday, everyone receives a personalized holiday email from you!
There are many pre-created holiday emails available in Jungo. Each holiday has up to 3 designs to choose from!
Overall, marketing workflows are extremely important for helping your business as clients and partners consider moving forward with you.
Jungo’s Mortgage Automations
Jungo allows you to automate many steps in the loan process that would otherwise be very time-consuming. Below is a list of some of the incredible mortgage automations found in the Jungo tool kit, their purpose, and how to apply them.
If you haven’t started utilizing Reffinity’s automations, you are missing out. Reffinity reports automate to send weekly reports to your most important realtor partners. This consistent update is a plus for your partners, and guarantees they are always in the know. Reffinity reports can automate to send weekly for up to 5 years. They will include a list of all your referrals from this partner in your pipeline, as well as your last interactions you had with their clients.
Loan Process Checklist
With automated loan process updates, as soon as a loan moves to a new stage, updates are sent to your borrower and any relevant partners. Once these automate, you can focus on high-income opportunities like connecting with new clients and partners. Plus, your borrowers love the quick and consistent updates on the status of their mortgage.
Keep yourself up-to-date with reports that get sent to you automatically every week as your pipeline changes and grows. Pick some useful reports, like a “pipeline report,” “closed reports this week,” or an “activity report” that show all the closed tasks and calls from that week. Then, simply set up the report to email to you every week. That way, you can always check-in on your account.
Bottom Line
Matching your mortgage automations to your processes and goals is a huge part of scaling your mortgage business. Make sure that your mortgage automations are set-up to perfectly fit your processes!
All types of mortgage automations can make your business run smoothly, and save you time. They give you the freedom to complete other tasks while marketing and follow-ups go out behind-the-scenes.