Loan officers have to juggle many tasks at once. You know that one phone call can produce multiple action items. When you are on the road for events or open houses, you can’t let details slip through the cracks. A mobile CRM can help!
Avoid forgetting tasks and losing business. Consider a mobile app to accompany your CRM (Customer Relationship Management system).
What is a mobile CRM?Â
A mobile CRM, or mobile Customer Relationship Management system, is a CRM tool designed for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.Â
So, connecting through a mobile app allows your team to access all of your customer data, from anywhere. The main benefit of using a mobile CRM is to allow your team to access real time data. They can do so even when they’re out in the field meeting prospects and customers.
At the end of the day, a mobile CRM helps you grow your pipeline and close more loans as fast as possible.
Getting started with a mobile CRM
Define your goals before implementing your mobile CRM. What do you want to achieve? What does your workforce need? Take advantage of the real time data access.Â
For example, imagine if you or your team regularly travel to partner’s open houses. A goal for your mobile CRM is to input and access lead data in real time. Imagine that you’re chatting with a prospective client and they give you their phone number to find out more about their mortgage options.
With a mobile CRM, you can enter their lead information right into your CRM. From there, they are automatically placed on a lead marketing campaign. Or, a task is made for you to follow-up the next day.
Why you need a mobile CRM
A mobile CRM gives loan officers more flexibility in the work environment. Also, it helps ensure that your customers are getting the best service available at all times.Â
So, employees have access to updates and important information. That way, they have everything to provide clients with the information they need, quickly.Â
You can also manage schedules, perform data analysis, generate reports, and organize important files in one secure location. Avoid letting a follow-up task slip through the cracks. With a mobile CRM, you can create tasks for yourself or team members from the app to stay organized.
Imagine being out of the office and your client or partner calls. How will you answer their questions and know where their loan stands? This is where a mobile CRM comes in handy as it gives you real-time access to loan data. A mobile app is necessary to keep your clients happy and help your business run successfully.
Benefits of a mobile CRM
Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets can perform all the classic functions of a system on a desktop computer, but with on-the-go access. Allow the mobile app to help you run your business from your phone! When working remote, a mobile CRM provides many benefits to you as a loan officer. Â
Automatic updates mean that every salesperson has the benefit of complete CRM data, analytics and customer-facing material at their fingertips, on any device. So, no one is left out of the loop and sales team members can move forward with their prospects.Â
Also, skip double data entry and ensure that your database is always fresh. Enter customer data into your mobile app. Easy access to important data related to contacts and leads ensures that sales reps do not waste time and instead close deals faster.Â
Jungo’s mobile app
Jungo is a CRM for loan officers. With Jungo’s Mobile App, you can view meetings, events, and get loan updates on-the-go. Jungo enables you to join conference calls with a tap and take meeting notes while in motion.Â
Also, you can access and update your CRM data any time with Jungo’s mobile capability. Manage your mortgage pipeline anytime, anywhere! Get started with a mobile CRM for free by downloading the Salesforce app, and accessing Jungo on-the-go.Â
Bottom Line
Mobile usage is rapidly growing and you should prepare to manage your business, even when you’re away from your desk. So, if you aren’t leveraging mobile CRM technology in your business, it’s time for you to take the plunge!
Stay connected with your team and customers. Make informed business decisions through data updates and analytics. Also, enjoy collaboration and improved efficiency. Adopt a mobile CRM strategy in your business today!Â