Update Your Loan Pipeline Management with Tasks and Automations

Loan Pipeline Management
Loan Pipeline Management

Update Your Loan Pipeline Management with Tasks and Automations

loan pipeline management

It is necessary to check up on yearly goals a few months into the new year and revamp your loan pipeline management. Everything required during the loan process can be daunting to home buyers and loan originators. 

So, consider reviewing and updating your loan pipeline management. This way, your transactions can be smoother as you strengthen your pipeline in the coming months. 

loan pipeline management

Organize Your Loan Pipeline Management

According to Ellie Mae, the average mortgage closing process has increased in the last year. The average mortgage closing process adds up to ten days longer than it was a year ago. This is due to the spike in demand for new purchase loans, and added refinancing activity. 

Where is the extra time going? Mainly processing the documents required from borrowers and other collaborators. But, efforts to streamline mortgage processing through technology have provided some relief. 

So, consider using Jungo’s mortgage automations. Jungo allows you to automate many steps in the loan process that would otherwise be very time-consuming. Below is a list of some of the incredible mortgage automations found in the Jungo tool kit, their purpose, and how to apply them. Keep your loan pipeline management organized!


If you haven’t started utilizing Reffinity’s automations, you are missing out. Reffinity reports automate to send weekly reports to your most important realtor partners. This consistent update is a plus for your partners, and guarantees they are always in the know. 

Reffinity reports automate to send weekly, for up to 5 years. They include a list of all your referrals from this partner in your pipeline. Also, your last interaction you had with their clients. 

Loan Process Checklist

With automated loan process updates, as soon as a loan moves to a new stage, updates are sent to your borrower and any relevant partners. Then these are automated. So, you can focus on high-income opportunities like connecting with new clients and partners. Plus, your borrowers love the quick and consistent updates on the status of their mortgage. 


Keep yourself up-to-date with reports that get sent to you automatically every week as your pipeline changes and grows. Pick some useful reports. Such as, a “pipeline report,” “closed loans this week,” or an “activity report” that show all the closed tasks and calls from that week. Then, simply set up the report to email to you every week. That way, you can keep a record of your progress. 

Keep in Contact with Clients

Communication is another important factor as your client moves through the loan process checklist. To streamline your loan pipeline management more, it is necessary to bring all parties and required documents together. 

Anyone involved in the loan officer process should be able to get immediate feedback. Avoid having to wait for reviewed items from overwhelmed processors and underwriters. So, consider utilizing action automation in Jungo to keep things organized. 

Action Automations 

Action mortgage automations are any workflow that results in an action item for the user. For example, a new lead comes in and a task creates to reach out to them right away. Then, the action is to place a call. 

Action items organize your day. They prioritize what is important to make sure you are reaching the right people quickly. Your task list and calendar fills with these high priority items. 

Use Action Automations in Jungo 

  1. When a new lead enters your system: a workflow triggers, creating a follow-up task to call this new lead.
  2. During the loan process: tasks are set that remind you to follow-up with the borrower and your partners.
  3. If a lead needs to improve their credit: the “Credit Impaired” workflow creates a task for the loan officer to follow-up with the client 60 days later.
  4. When a loan closes: a task is made to remind you to order a closing gift for your client.

Utilize a CRM

With the rise of mortgage technology, comes an increase in the disparate systems involved in the mortgage process. To solve for the existing gaps in these tools, a complete platform needs to streamline a loan officer’s day. 

Consider using a CRM to revamp your loan process checklist and streamline your business. This creates a better overall experience for mortgage origination teams and borrowers.

Why You Need CRM Task Management

Imagine you are on the phone with a new customer. They are ready to submit a mortgage application, and want more information about interest rates. You hang up the phone, and immediately have multiple actions items you need to accomplish. 

How are you supposed to remember all of these to-dos? Especially since your phone is ringing again as soon as you hang up? 

Creating Tasks

The first thing you need is to create a task. 

It’s best to create tasks as soon as you think of them. For example, after you speak with a lead about a ReFi, create a task to email them the next day with information about refinances. By doing this, you won’t forget to create the task. And then, when you login into your Jungo CRM the next morning, you’ll see this task ready for you to tackle. 

Logging Calls and Interactions

Top producing loan officers know that keeping a log of every call and interaction is key to building strong relationships. After all, if you note details from your conversations, you impress them with your memory! Your secret is that it was actually your Jungo CRM doing the remembering, not you. 

Logging a call is simple in Jungo–just remember to always write as many details as possible. That way, if you or a team member look up the contact down the road, you’ll know exactly where you left off.

Scheduling Follow-Up Tasks

After you log a call, you’ll probably have follow-up tasks associated with the conversation. As discussed, task management is simple if you handle things as soon as they come up. Once you log a call or an interaction, it’s critical that you immediately create follow-up tasks. 

Consistently creating tasks and follow-up actions items will ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. Win more opportunities, and spend less time managing your tasks in disparate systems. 

Bottom Line

In an industry that is reliant upon referrals and repeat business, it’s critical to update your loan pipeline management. That way, you deliver an excellent borrower experience without sacrificing so much time and energy. Restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have injected even more limitations and complexities into the process. 

So, using your CRM, like Jungo, for all of your task management needs streamlines your day. Also, it helps you communicate better with your team. After all, technology can significantly streamline mortgage processing in several ways. It helps originators effectively grow the number of loans they close each month and improve client satisfaction.