Chances are, you already use a loan origination software (LOS) to automate many of the steps in the loan process, but are you getting your money’s worth?
As a quick recap, a LOS helps a loan officer from the beginning to the end of the loan process. A loan origination software can be used to manage 1003s, applications, underwriting, and more. Each LOS offers slightly different capabilities. Hence, finding the best LOS is a critical step toward efficiency in your workflow.
Increasing Your Loan Origination Software’s Productivity
So, you’re using an awesome LOS that greatly increases your productivity. But have you taken advantage of one of its most powerful capabilities? Integrating your LOS with your other softwares may just be the thing to push your production over the top.
A loan officer’s software stack is ever-growing in today’s technology driven workplace, and strategic integration of these softwares really determines just how well they will serve a LO. A LOS is made even more powerful when combined with an LO’s other secret weapon: a Customer Relationship Management system (CRM).
What Does a CRM Do?
A CRM does a lot more than just manage your contacts. It can also automate workflows, keep your referral partners updated on a loan’s progress, and can even manage your marketing. Integrating your CRM with your Loan Origination Software (LOS) not only eliminates the need for double data entry on your end, it also keeps all of your software current on a loan’s progress.
You probably already know how critical this is, since clear and effective communication is one of the foundation elements behind a great loan officer. Having your LOS and CRM systems sync means that you have one less thing to think about, which means more time in your day to do the important things: have face-to-face relationships with borrowers and partners, and close more loans.
So, let’s get into the details of a great CRM and LOS integration.
What Can a CRM and Loan Origination Software Integration Do For Me?
Instant Data Entry
Having these two powerhouses “talk” to each other means that when a loan’s status changes in your LOS, your CRM instantly updates.
For example, imagine if a borrower just turned in a loan application. With a Loan Origination Software (LOS) and CRM integration, your CRM is informed of the change, and can begin the automated workflows you’ve set.
Maybe you want to send your borrower and referral partners an email and text saying that you received their application. Now, your CRM can instantly do that for you. Not only will this save you time, your partners will also be thrilled to be kept up to date.
Single Login
Managing passwords and usernames is one of the unfortunate side effects when using technology. However, it doesn’t mean that it’s a requirement. Integrating your LOS with your Jungo CRM means that you only need to login once for all of your daily tasks.
Yes, you read that right. A single login for your whole day.
Because your LOS and CRM are constantly syncing throughout the day, you can save time and frustration. Now, you don’t have to switch back and forth between different software platforms and logins.
Plus, you’ll be more efficient with your time with Jungo’s Pipeline View, which visually displays the current status of all your loans. Therefore, this tool can help you plan your day since all your active loans are shown in one place.
Double the Software Power
This instant syncing also means that you’re doubling up on your softwares’ abilities. And who doesn’t want more power at their disposal? You can create informative charts and reports using the most up-to-date loan information, with Jungo’s LOS sync.
You’ll also be able to place past and current borrower’s on automated drip marketing campaigns. Today’s top producers agree that keeping in close contact with clients is one of the best strategies for earning referrals.
Confidence On The Go
Using Jungo’s mobile app is even better when your loan origination system is integrated. Now, you can instantly answer clients’ questions from anywhere. Plus, you have the assurance that their file is completely up-to-date and accurate.